Carving Out a Place In the Work World, Part – 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes Part 2 of Noah’s story, a man navigating the complex dynamics of the corporate world. This installment explores his hidden aspiration for entrepreneurial success, his fears, struggles, and personal revelations as he wrestles with self-doubt and seeks personal fulfillment while contemplating the price of success, battles with changing family dynamics, and faces unexpected challenges at work. Join him on this life-changing journey of self-discovery and assertion, providing a profound reflection on self-esteem, ambition, and the power of future vision. To Be Continued in Part – 3.

Carving Out A Place In The Work World, Part – 1

Reading Time: 5 minutes ‘From Employee to Entrepreneur’. In this inaugural chapter, we accompany Noah as he confronts the one-sided affair of his corporate existence, the impacts of his relentless commitment on his personal life, and the self-inflicted confines of his world. Grappling with self-perception, missed opportunities, and a yearning to redefine his identity, Noah’s enlightening shift demands he dispute ingrained societal narratives and courageously set forth on a journey toward entrepreneurship, albeit with personal costs. This narrative offers an examination of personal values, life’s priorities, individual interpretations of success, and the audacity required to alter one’s path, irrespective of age or prevailing circumstances.

Are Motivation, Engagement, and Rewards Enough?

Reading Time: 9 minutes People require a lot more support now than they did before the pandemic. In his book that keeps on giving, Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker raises these points that are very pertinent to what we’re going through: “Only when you operate from a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true – and lasting – excellence”. He tells us that in order to live a life of excellence, we must ask ourselves these questions: What are our strengths? How do we perform? What are our values? Where do we belong? What should we contribute?

The Evaluation of The Quality of Hiring Decisions

Reading Time: 8 minutes First Who, Then What? – get the right people on the bus, a concept developed in Good to Great by Jim Collins – is crucial if the lessons from the global downturn 2007- 2008 have managed to get engrained into our organizational cultures and processes’ DNAs. The stakes now are higher than ever. Persistent wrong hiring for an SME may lead to annihilation and its valuable economic contribution and job creation potential along with it.

The World of A Child – Entry By Invitation Only

Reading Time: 5 minutes Music and arts and crafts education develop children’s manual dexterity, teamwork, discipline, self-confidence, provide an outlet for creativity and a constructive release of energy. Music and art also enable us to elevate into a different type of humans altogether where we no longer think about what makes us different from one another, but they join us in a bond of humanity.

Transparency In Public Procurement, A Proactive Approach To Combating Corruption Risks

Reading Time: 5 minutes There is no alternative to clear and open communication in building trust in relationships, that includes relationships between suppliers and organizations. There is a delicate balance between confidentiality and transparency and although it is difficult but not impossible to achieve.

It’s Okay To Be Purple

Reading Time: 6 minutes “Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson.